Mabumwine (the residence of the Mabumo family) is a homestead that has no residents currently, since the homeowners passed away and their children live in different parts of the country. With that, the Mabumo family offered the house for NGUNI to build a community center. There is one hectare of land available with two small houses already built. The center did not have a working kitchen, running water or electricity.
Mabumwine Community Center
Now the center serves as a basis for NGUNI activities in Maciene:
The Mabumwine center now hosts the food security initiative: where people from the community come for lessons on better cooking habits, cooking with a variety of ingredients and agricultural practices. The center also hosts community discussions about health concerns and food security and the center also tries to provide one meal a day to the children in the community;
The center also has the two water fountains that are used for the Clean Water Initiative uses to serve the community;
Mabumwine center also hosts the "Centro Paulo Mabumo para aprender a ler e escrever", which is an after school program that helps the children of Maciene, who are attending the local primary school, learning how to read and write. The center is also an environment where the children can play freely while their parents are a work.